Cancer Awareness Campaign

Types of Cancer covered in the awareness campaigns

1. Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the breast. It can occur in both men and women but is more common in women.

  • • Most common cancer in women worldwide.
  • • Risk factors include age, family history, and hormonal factors.
  • • Symptoms may include a lump in the breast, changes in breast size or shape, and skin changes.
  • • Early detection through mammograms improves prognosis.
  • • Treatment involves surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies.

2. Lung Cancer: Lung cancer originates in the lungs and is often linked to smoking, though non-smokers can also develop this cancer.

  • • Leading cause of cancer deaths globally.
  • • Two main types: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC).
  • • Symptoms may include persistent cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
  • • Prognosis is often poor, especially in advanced stages.
  • • Treatment involves surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy.

3. Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer develops in the prostate, a small gland in men that produces seminal fluid. It is often a slow-growing cancer.

  • • Common in older men; usually slow-growing.
  • • Risk factors include age, family history, and race.
  • • Often asymptomatic in early stages.
  • • Detected through PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test and digital rectal exam.
  • • Treatment options include watchful waiting, surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy.

4. Ovarian Cancer: Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries and is often diagnosed at advanced stages due to the lack of early symptoms and effective screening methods.

  • • Often called the "silent killer" due to late-stage diagnosis.
  • • Risk factors include family history, age, and certain genetic mutations.
  • • Symptoms may include abdominal bloating, pelvic pain, and changes in bowel habits.
  • • No routine screening; diagnosis relies on imaging and biopsy.
  • • Treatment involves surgery, chemotherapy, and sometimes targeted therapy.

“Know Cancer, No Cancer”

Our comprehensive cancer awareness program, titled "Know Cancer, No Cancer," aims to empower individuals with crucial information about various types of cancer, their symptoms, risk factors, and available treatments, both within and outside India. By fostering a deeper understanding of this complex disease, we strive to contribute to a world where knowledge becomes the first line of defense against cancer.

Know Cancer:

We are awarering people about the Cancer refers to a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body.


There are various types of cancer, including breast, lung, prostate, and leukemia, each with unique characteristics and treatment approaches.


Factors such as genetic mutations, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices can contribute to the development of cancer.


Symptoms vary depending on the type and stage of cancer but may include fatigue, weight loss, and pain.

No Cancer Means: Say not to “Cancer diseases”

Through the implementation of these below safeguards, we are cultivating an atmosphere where people can safe themselves from the cancer diseases.


Healthy lifestyle choices, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, can reduce the risk of developing cancer.


Regular screenings and early detection can improve treatment outcomes by identifying cancer in its early stages.


Some vaccines, like the HPV vaccine, can prevent infections that may lead to certain cancers.


Public awareness campaigns play a crucial role in educating people about cancer prevention, symptoms, and available resources.


Another programme known as “Health Talks” we are running in our campaigns. The health talks are designed for the community health workers, patients, clinical staff, community leaders and the public at large to discuss the health related issues, to reduce the gap in their knowledge about the cancer. Cancer is a complex and potentially life-threatening disease that arises when cells in the body undergo uncontrolled growth. It can affect any part of the body and has various types, each with distinct characteristics. Understanding this disease is crucial for prevention, early detection, and effective treatment, Through the health talks we are running other programmes. In the health talks the professional Doctors of oncology from the extreme well organisations, Hospitals talks about the various factors that can help to prevent the cancer.

Modifying or avoiding the following key risk factors can help prevent cancer:

  • • avoid tobacco use, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco;
  • • maintain a healthy weight;
  • • eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables;
  • • exercise regularly;
  • • limit alcohol use;
  • • practice safe sex;
  • • get vaccinated against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • • reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • • prevent unnecessary ionizing radiation exposure;
  • • get regular medical care; and

A Glimpse of “Health Talks” Activities Conducted

Educational Documentaries

An educational journey with insightful documentaries on crucial health topics. Blood Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Gynaecological Cancer, these added valuable insights, and gain knowledge from the professional oncology doctors from esteemed expert Hospitals, to empower healthier lives.

A film on Blood Cancer an awareness effort by Spring Hope Foundation and Executed by Piedpiper Solutions. Doctors: Dr Dinesh Burani, Dr Shishir Seth, Dr Sandeep Jain and Dr Sajjan Rajpurohit. Dec 16, 2016

A film on Head and Neck Cancer an awareness effort by Spring Hope Foundation and Executed by Piedpiper Solutions. Doctors: Dr Surender Dabas, Dr Tapaswini P Sharma, Dr Anshuman Kumar, Dr Naveen Sanchety, Dr Sajjan Rajpurohitt, Dr Swarupa Mitra, Dr Veda Srinivasan, Dr Dinesh Bhurani, Dr Sandeep Jain, Dr Shishir Seth, Dr Rupinder Sekhon , Dr Neerja Bhatla May 12, 2017

“Impact Assessment”

Personal and Societal Impact: Documentary delves into the profound impact of cancer on individuals and society.

Exploration of Cancer: Explores various cancer types, their causes, and preventive methods.

Interviews: Features insightful interviews with patients, survivors, and expert professionals.

Early Detection and Treatment: Highlights the critical importance of early detection and presents diverse treatment options.

Challenges Addressed: Addresses the emotional and financial challenges experienced by those affected by cancer.

Advocacy for Research and Awareness: Advocates for increased research efforts and broader awareness initiatives.

Inspiration Amid Challenges: Inspires hope and resilience in the face of the formidable challenges posed by cancer.

Spring Hope's Active Role: Spring Hope actively spreads cancer awareness through YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media channels.

