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Onco Pulmo Update 2020

Activities: The informative sessions led by Dr. Shubham Garg on August 27, 2020, offered comprehensive updates on Onco Pulmo. The participants gained insights into critical advancements in pulmonary oncology through discussions and expert-led presentations.

Aim: The webinar aimed to deepen understanding and awareness of Onco Pulmo by providing a platform for medical professionals to engage with leading experts. Through focused discussions and presentations, the session endeavored to enhance knowledge, and ensure participants are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of pulmonary oncology.

Impact: Elevate Onco Pulmo care with updated knowledge, empower clinical application, improve patient outcomes, and establish a foundation for ongoing professional development.

Knowledge Advancement: Stay updated on the latest Onco Pulmo developments through expert insights.

Clinical Application: Empower participants to apply the latest knowledge in pulmonary oncology to clinical practice.

Enhanced Patient Care: Contribute to improved patient care and outcomes through informed medical practices. Onco Pulmo Update 2020

